
Thursday, January 14, 2016

SlimFast - Is it Your Thing?

I was chosen to check out some great products from the SlimFast Line. Let me just make it clear that I am very picky about my protein shakes and I am not a fan at all of protein bars. In fact I have yet to find a protein bar I like!!
Slimfast line has exciting products like shakes, bars and smoothies. In fact I think they even have meals too!
I tried the bars and shakes. I am not a fan of most Vanilla shakes even the brands I like of other flavors. However I did like the Slimfast Vanilla Cream shake. At first when I smelled it I thought, yup another gross try! But I was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed it. I used mine to skip an afternoon snack and to hold me over till dinner...which again surprised it did!!
I will be checking them out to see what other flavors they have in the shakes and maybe even try the smoothies.
I will not use their plan as they suggest replacing meals with their shakes - having one 500 cal meal and only one snack (theirs). Looking at the nutrition though, those that can follow something like this should do really well. Check out their plan and other info here:

 :: From Slim Fast Web Site ~
  • Why is SlimFast America’s #1 favorite weight loss plan? Because it’s the easiest, most delicious way to lose weight fast!
    New, great-tasting SlimFast Advanced Nutrition now has up to 20g of protein, 100% daily fiber, and as little as 1g of sugar. With delicious new shakes, smoothies, bars, and 100-calorie snacks – it’s easy to indulge any time, anywhere.
    SlimFast Advanced Nutrition.
    It’s Your Thing!


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